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file The expansion also comes with an entirely new system

قبل 2 سنوات 1 شهر #1325 بواسطة Emilylowes
The previously planned "path of titans" feature, for example has been  WoTLK Gold canceled to allow for enhancing gameplay's glyph system by adding the third "medium" symbol to let players customize their character. Cataclysm will also provide the possibility of a new trade profession, archeology. It taps into the game's history and history by letting players discover and build commonly-used artifacts, or sometimes discover rare artifacts. These objects are primarily ornaments for the game's aesthetic as well as "toys," though the Blizzard team has suggested that some could be extremely effective weapons, armor or other items.

Additionally there's a chance that "guild currency" method that was suggested at Blizzcon won't be considered, even though Cataclysm is expected to introduce new interface features that will be more accommodating to guild members, like the ability to locate directly artisans with the recipe and the level of skill required to make the weapon armor, weapons, or other things you're seeking. The expansion also comes with an entirely new system for guild advancement that allows your guild to acquire "levels" that will unlock new abilities that are global to the entire group, as well in special items for guild members that can be bought when you've earned sufficient faction status within your guild to gain these items through activities like raiding and winning in PVP competitive games. Guild advancement will be accompanied by an updated interface for your guild that lets you easily announce important announcements and achievements along with an achievement tracker which will show who has completed the particular raid or achieved which rank in a battleground and the date they achieved it.

Then, we were shown some of Cataclysm's newest zones including "Uldum," a huge outdoor area that has striking resemblances to ancient Egypt and includes Pyramids, palms and a river that resembles the Nile. Based on the games legend the zone is home to "titan machines,"" ancient magic weapons with enormous power. It was earlier concealed by illusions, but illusions were ruined by the Deathwing's assault. Now, the areas' weapons and quests are lucrative targets for both sides. The other zones contain various planes of the elemental, ruled by powerful creatures known as princes of the elemental realm. The air plane is for instance in the clouds, and it has that dreamy, blurred appearance of an extravagant Arabic city in the clouds, as the palaces seen in the Disney film Aladdin. The earth plane, but, it's a huge crystal cave that is that is suspended between space and time where Deathwing  cheap WoTLK Classic Gold was incubating for a long time before it emerged.

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الرجاء قم بــتسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب.. للإنضمام للمحادثة.

قبل 1 سنة 2 شهور #3536 بواسطة cofffee124

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الرجاء قم بــتسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب.. للإنضمام للمحادثة.

الوقت لإنشاء الصفحة: 0.260 ثانية
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